Welcome to very random things!

Honestly, I just find this concept of creating a website in raw HTML so interesting that I wanted to try it, and I don't have any specific idea what this project will be about. My main website is all about writing, the creative process, the emotional side of being an artist and following your passion, and you can check it out here.

I'll just post the most interesting thing I've come across on the web today, which happens to be an article about Spotify's big bet on podcasting (buying up a bunch of popular podcasts, e.g. Joe Rogan, and podcast networks, e.g. Gimlet) and spending hundreds of millions, without ever turning this into a success for the business. Personally, I'm kind of glad that they (seem to be) failing with this, since they basically took a bunch of podcasts that were freely and widely available on whatever your favorite podcasting platform was, and put it in a walled garden, so that you're only able to listen to these podcasts on the Spotify app... which happens to suck for long-form podcast listening.

Here's some things that I plan on doing in the future:

And yeah, maybe this is a good opportunity to learn some HTML & CSS over at the neocities tutorials! Yup, this is more a reminder to myself.